RE: Animal Farm help me with homework: Chapter one
- What is Major’s prediction about Boxer?
- What decision is made concerning the status of wild creatures such as rats and rabbits?
- What is the name of the song Old Major teaches the animals?
- Why does Orwell end the chapter with Jones shooting towards the barn?
3. What is the name of the song Old Major teaches the animals?
The name of the song Old Major sings is named “Beasts of England”. It is said that the tune was something between ‘Clementine’ and ‘La Cucaracha’. The pig says that when was little his mother and the other pigs used to sing it, but in the course of time, he had forgotten it as well as the other animals. However, the previous night in his dream Old Major recalled the tune and the lyrics, which was another reason why he decided to gather all the inhabitants of the farm in the barn and hold a speech.