RE: Discussion questions – Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer: Why does Grenouille never consider himself

  1. Why does Grenouille never consider himself or others in terms of their humanity? Aside from his supernatural powers of smell, are human beings ever this detached and cruelly inhuman?
  2. What is the closest thing Grenouille has to a friend in this novel?
  3. Why does Father Terrier take Grenouille quickly to Madame Gaillard?
  4. When the Marquis takes Grenouille in, why is it not really for Grenouille’s betterment? What is his agenda?
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4 Answers

1. A present-day interpretation of Grenouille’s character would diagnose him with a kind of extreme psychosis, perhaps present from birth and exacerbated by neglect and cruel treatment, characterized by a lack of all human feeling for others. Grenouille is unusual and separate from humanity perhaps some kind of troubled genius.

Answered on 23.06.2017.
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