RE: Discussion questions – Pride and Prejudice: Giving special attention to Wickham, Charlotte Lucas

  1. Giving special attention to Wickham, Charlotte Lucas, and Elizabeth, compare and contrast male and female attitudes toward marriage in the novel.
  2. Discuss the relationship between Mrs. Bennet and her children, especially Elizabeth and Lydia.
  3. Compare and contrast the Bingley-Darcy relationship with the Jane-Elizabeth relationship.
  4. Compare and contrast the roles of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Mrs. Bennet.
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4. Compare and contrast the roles of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Mrs. Bennet.

 Mrs Bennet and Lady Catherine De Bourgh have vastly different personalities. One of the most significant differences is each of the distinct social classes and how that influences other aspects of their characterizations.  Mrs. Bennet and Lady Catherine live in different spheres.  Lady Catherine presumes to be the master of all around her.  Mrs. Bennet only barely presumes to the master of her household. While both women have daughters to be concerned about, Mrs. Bennet has many more daughters and is much more worried about moving up in society for both her daughters and herself. Lady Catherine already comes from money so monitory/social pressures are not as great for L. Catherine’s survival.
Answered on 29.06.2017.
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