RE: Hamlet Questions Act 4 Scene 6-7: How does Hamlet get back to Denmark

  1. How does Hamlet get back to Denmark?
  2. How does Horatio find Hamlet?
  3. What is the King’s original plan for killing Hamlet?
  4. What do the King and Laertes plan to do to make sure Hamlet is “triply” dead?
  5. How does Ophelia die?
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4 Answers
  1. Hamlet has been sent away to England by his uncle/stepfather, Claudius, the king. However, he writes to Horatio to tell him that, having been only two days at sea, “a pirate of very warlike appointment” began to chase his ship (4.6.15-16). In the following battle, the pirates took Hamlet captive; they treated him well and brought him back to Denmark. He has, in return, promised to do them a favor.
Answered on 21.06.2017.
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