RE: Help me with 1984 assigment

  1. Compare and contrast Julia and Winston. How does each rebel against the Party, and are these rebellions at all effective?
  2. Trace Winston’s path towards destruction. Where do we first see his fatalistic outlook? Is his defeat inevitable?
  3. Discuss the role of technology in Oceania. In what areas is technology highly advanced, and in what areas has its progress stalled? Why?
  4. Discuss the role of Big Brother in Oceania and in Winston’s life. What role does Big Brother play in each?
  5. Discuss contradiction in Oceania and the Party’s governance, i.e. Ministry of Love, Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Plenty, Ministry of Peace. Why is such contradiction accepted so widely?
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5.Each of the ministries does just the opposite of what it says. The Ministry of Love tortures political prisoners. The Ministry of Peace wages war. The Ministry of Plenty controls and rations the food supply to keep people near starvation. The Ministry of Truth (where Winston works) spreads lies (propaganda), and it censors all print media, revises history, and truncates the language with each edition of the Newspeak dictionary.

Answered on 22.06.2017.
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