RE: The Catcher in the Rye help with homework Chapter 14

Chapter 14


  1. Is Holden religious? Supply proof for your answer.
  2. On page 103, Holden says, “I thought I was dying.” In Chapter 1 Holden says, “…I felt like I was sort of disappearing.” Find two statements he makes in this chapter to indicate his mental state.
  3. After Sunny leaves, what does Holden think about?
  4. Why does Sunny come back to Holden’s room?
  5. Back at Wooten, what had Holden often discussed with his friend Arthur Childs?
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After Sunny leaves, what does Holden think about?

After Sunny leaves his room, Holden feels miserable and depressed. He begins reminiscing about Allie. He remembers an incident shortly before Allie’s death when he excluded Allie from a BB-gun game—he still feels guilty for having left Allie out. When he finishes the story, he goes to bed. Holden feels like praying, but does not. He says that he cannot always pray when he feels like it. Instead, he reflects on discussions he has had with Arthur Childs about Jesus and the disciples. He again tries to pray but is obsessed by thoughts of Sunny calling him a crumb-bum.

Answered on 08.06.2017.
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