RE: The Great Gatsby Questions (by Chapter 7)
- When did the lights fail to go on in Gatsby’s house?
- What did “the Finn” (Nick’s cleaning woman) tell Nick?
- What did Gatsby call Nick to invite him to?
- What is the weather like the day they have lunch?
- Who does Jordan think is on the phone with Tom?
- What does the person on the phone want?
- Why does seeing Daisy’s child surprise Gatsby?
- Where does Daisy want to go?
- What does Gatsby say Daisy’s voice is full of?
- What suggestion does Tom make about the trip to town?
- What lie does Tom tell Wilson?
- Why does Wilson say he needs the car?
- Whom does Nick see in the window?
- When they get to the hotel, what song is playing?
- What does Tom first question Gatsby about?
- What is ironic about Tom’s attacks on Gatsby and Daisy?
- What does Gatsby tell Tom about Daisy?
- What does Gatsby force Daisy to say?
- What upsets Gatsby about the afternoon?
- What do Daisy and Gatsby tell Tom?
- What does Nick realize?
- Who is killed?
- Why does Tom think Gatsby is a coward?
- What does Nick find out about the incident?
- Why does Gatsby stay outside the Buchanan’s house?
12. Wilson says that he needs money because he and his wife are going to West.