Local area crime can also occur outside the area of residence, reflecting on a wider zone. Property crime usually occurs within the actual area of residence, but violent crime can occur in the nearby surrounding. Violent crime disturbs an individual’s everyday activity, such that traveling to work, school or undertakes activities of leisure. Dustmann et al. ensure they base their empirical framework on larger areas. This report’s main statistics of crime focuses on police force...
Local area crime can also occur outside the area of residence, reflecting on a wider zone. Property crime usually occurs within the actual area of residence, but violent crime can occur in the nearby surrounding. Violent crime disturbs an individual’s everyday activity, such that traveling to work, school or undertakes activities of leisure. Dustmann et al. ensure they base their empirical framework on larger areas. This report’s main statistics of crime focuses on police force area residence (PFA) rather than the local authority residence (LA) when it comes to assessing the impact of mental health. Since Dustmann et al. are focusing on the harmful impacts such as violent crime, PFAs are better to look at rather than LAs. This is because violent crime is more likely to occur in a larger environment, hence why PFAs are more suitable. The estimations obtained from the PFA show a stronger and more substantial effect on crime. When analyzing the results, the regressions prove that the impact of violent crime on residents plays a big role in worsening their mental condition. Violent crime tops the list with higher than 86% of the total area crime.