The ground plane has been transformed into a sculpted topography that invites different forms of exploration. From above the exuberant, artful landscape may seem a bit foreign and shallow amid an urban context characterized by the right angle. But from a pedestrian’s perspective, it quickly becomes clear that the different geometries provide spatial definition and, consequently, fulfill some functions. They create, for example, places that are sheltered and others that are exposed; two areas clearly...
The ground plane has been transformed into a sculpted topography that invites different forms of exploration. From above the exuberant, artful landscape may seem a bit foreign and shallow amid an urban context characterized by the right angle. But from a pedestrian’s perspective, it quickly becomes clear that the different geometries provide spatial definition and, consequently, fulfill some functions. They create, for example, places that are sheltered and others that are exposed; two areas clearly assigned to sidewalk cafés; and integrated entrance and exit ramps. Last but not least, the new terrain is ideal for small children on bicycles and tricycles, as well as for youths on skateboards.”
The street probably became a necessary space as the settlement spread and would have been a means of connecting one part of the settlement with another. This network of streets can be used for the movement of traffic or pedestrian, and each will have their own function. Figure 4 shows the street that is designed for the movement of traffic will also include pedestrian use but not as its primary function, which is the speed of connectivity.