These circumstances that those women have faced further remove of there being an actual choice to being a prostitute. Prostitution exploits the vulnerability a woman faces due to poverty, and these women will ultimately join prostitution as they think it will help them to get out poverty. Prostitution comes in place when a woman does not have a lot of other options to choose from to gain money. Some people would argue that prostitution is sexual liberation for women and it...
These circumstances that those women have faced further remove of there being an actual choice to being a prostitute. Prostitution exploits the vulnerability a woman faces due to poverty, and these women will ultimately join prostitution as they think it will help them to get out poverty. Prostitution comes in place when a woman does not have a lot of other options to choose from to gain money.
Some people would argue that prostitution is sexual liberation for women and it should be treated as sex work. By calling prostitution sex work, they think it will add dignity and professionalism to prostitutes, but in actuality, prostitution is an institution of where the exploitation of women occurs.
People who advocate for the legalization of prostitution are not the actual prostitutes themselves but the pimps who profit from this. Once prostitution becomes a legitimate business, then pimps can disguise unlawful sex acts as legal and women will still face stigma and abuse. By legalizing prostitution, there would be an increase in demand which will promote sex trafficking, the increase in sex trafficking is directly contributed to men’s access to women. Where prostitution is legal, the sex industry tends to be bigger which will need an increase of female prostitutes; this attracts traffickers where the would exploit women for economic gain. The Dutch government had to shut 2/3 of its legal brothels as it could not regulate traffickers or other crimes.