Due to these unequal situations that blacks face every day in America, it leads to further disadvantages within pay. The median weekly earnings for a full time working white man is $896 in comparison to a black male at $646. The reason for this is obvious, the lack of education leads to poor jobs which in the end up leads to low pay. This is clearly because white men have better jobs in a higher paid business. Due to Blacks having of the lack of education...
Due to these unequal situations that blacks face every day in America, it leads to further disadvantages within pay. The median weekly earnings for a full time working white man is $896 in comparison to a black male at $646. The reason for this is obvious, the lack of
education leads to poor jobs which in the end up leads to low pay. This is clearly because white men have better jobs in a higher paid business. Due to Blacks having of the lack of education which results in low qualifications they are left with poorly paid jobs which don’t need high qualifications. This results in it a shortage of opportunities for jobs. Which means they might be miserable at the workplace and could later cause depression and other mental health problems. Many critics have said that this creates discrimination within the workplace as BME’s have little representation within employment, this could lead to the subconscious stereotype that BME people are not good employees who would only further the discrimination. It also means there are fewer role models for younger BMEs to aspire to.
Overall the statistics show clearly that racial inequality in America is not a thing of the past and is, in fact, a thing of today which will most likely continue to be a thing of the future if we don’t change our ways. I have therefore proved that racism still exists and I consider we all change to make the world a better place and stop the inequality due to the colour of someone’s skin colour.