Prostitution is not liberating as in most cases women need to perform sexual acts for men and not for themselves as some people believed. Women are told to disassociate their mind while performing sexual acts, in the long term this can have a bad effect on women as it can deteriorate a women’s sexuality. Women who work in this industry are defined as the most raped class of females in the world. Prostitution is the keystone of rape culture. Women are made to do acts which are often degrading, unwelcomed and embarrassing. 32% of prostitutes have been upset over what the client wanted them to do after them seeing pornography. “What rape is...
Prostitution is not liberating as in most cases women need to perform sexual acts for men and not for themselves as some people believed. Women are told to disassociate their mind while performing sexual acts, in the long term this can have a bad effect on women as it can deteriorate a women’s sexuality. Women who work in this industry are defined as the most raped class of females in the world. Prostitution is the keystone of rape culture. Women are made to do acts which are often degrading, unwelcomed and embarrassing. 32% of prostitutes have been upset over what the client wanted them to do after them seeing pornography. “What rape is to others, it is normal to us,” a prostitute woman explained. Women working in the industry are placed in an inferior position to their male clients and are treated as objects for sexual pleasure, the male dominance over women is played here where men control what they will do where this is likened to rape where the rapists has total control of the interaction, ignoring the requests, the health of the victim. It is reported that 80% of prostitutes are raped although it could be higher as not all prostitute can express what has happened to them. 55% of prostitutes have been physically abused by clients.
Prostitution occurs as gender inequality occurs. Ingrained cultural beliefs where is made okay for men to think that women can be a commodity and be objectified for their sexual pleasure. There is belief with some cultures that men have an overwhelming “need” for sex and women are there to provide that. Prostitution will only flourish if there is a huge demand for men wanting it.
Roughly 90% of prostitutes have wanted to leave the industry but couldn’t due to lack of money they received, healthcare or education. Prostitution entraps a woman where pimps would use threats, impose social isolation, verbal and sexual abuse and extreme physical violence to keep control over them. It’s estimated that 65%-85% of prostitutes work for a pimp.