Lord of the Flies Questions Chapter 10 need online help

  1. What does Jack do that causes Roger to have doubts about his leadership?
  2. What feelings, beliefs, and speculations do Jack‟s biguns have about what happened the night before at the feast? Can you explain why they did what they did? Why are they “half-relieved, half-daunted by the implication of further terrors”? Consider the significance of the quotes below, especially the second one. What unspoken words complete the first sentence? „“But didn’t‟t we, didn’t‟t we—”‟ „“No!”‟ “How could we—kill—it?” “Each savage flinched away from his individual memory.” „“I expect the beast disguised itself.”‟
  3. What signs of stress and fear can we see in Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric‟s behavior in this chapter?
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