According to Webster’s new collegiate dictionary, a motive is “ something a need or desire that causes a person to act motivate, in turn, means to “provide with a motive.” Motivation is defined as the “act or process of motivating someone to do or get something done.” Bartol and Martin describe Motivation as a power that strengthens behavior, gives a route to behavior and triggers the tendency to continue. Motivated employees are generally more equity-oriented, the...
According to Webster’s new collegiate dictionary, a motive is “ something a need or desire that causes a person to act motivate, in turn, means to “provide with a motive.” Motivation is defined as the “act or process of motivating someone to do or get something done.” Bartol and Martin describe Motivation as a power that strengthens behavior, gives a route to behavior and triggers the tendency to continue.
Motivated employees are generally more equity-oriented, the employees who are more motivated can give much more quality work than the workers who have does show a lack of interest or concern about their work, the organization benefits from motivating their staff although there are many challenges that come with this having the right management will guarantee a strong working environment.
Motivation is a set of courses concerned with the kind of strength that accomplishing some definite target. Every organization is concerned with what should be done and how they can help their employees achieve sustained high levels of performance through its workforce. Businesses tend to motive their employee’s by incentive, rewards, and having someone show great leadership. Motivation is someone business use to give their employee’s innovative and productive thinking to get things done within the business.
Motivation in the workplace can be done by management setting prime examples by being role models, coaching their staff, words, an open discussion, and positive reinforcement.