In what movies or games you can find racist motives?

Tutor's Answer

(Top Tutor) Studyfaq Tutor
Although the news can highlight different cultures and traditions, it can also be extremely racist. A news article posted by the mail on Sunday had the headlines “Muslim Gang slashed tires of immigration-raid van” than later. This was found out to be inaccurate and possibly simply assumed. The mail on Sunday Apologized for their racist headlines and changed and retracted. Has the word Muslim become a bait buzzword which is used to spread hatred and bigotry? When the 2017 Westminster attack took place, there was over 4000 offense towards mainly Muslims in the month March 2017 alone. And there was over 5000 offense in the month July 2016 when the EU referendum results were announced. However in July 2014, conflict in Israel and Gaza, there was only around 3500 offense. Who would...
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