Need help to write an Essay on A Tale of Two Cities: Short essay: mood in A Tale of Two Cities

Short essay: mood in A Tale of Two Cities How does Dickens create mood with his choice of words? Look at the description of Tellson’s Bank (beginning of Book II, Ch. 1) or the descriptions of the courtroom crowd in Book II, Ch. 2-3. Describe the mood you perceive from close reading. Then, show how Dickens evokes this mood with his use of metaphors and any other figurative language, any rhetorical devices (personification, etc.), symbolism, images of any kind, and any other information you can find in these scenes that you feel is relevant. Use multiple quotations from the book, but provide only the relevant pieces of the quotation. In other words, use “flow” quotes integrated into your own words. To help you get organized, read closely then make a list of specific words/phrases and mood(s) like we did briefly with the “Wine Shop” chapter and parts of other chapters, Requirements: More than one page, but no more than two pages), typed, double-spaced. Give your essay an original title.

Asked on 25.05.2017 in English Literature.
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