It’s a freezing winter night, Murray and his friends are on a night out at a club. Murray is the only smoker in his friend group, it’s been an hour since Murray’s last fag, and he’s ‘dying’ on another one. He steps outside in the cold, there are hailstones the size of marbles falling from the sky, and he actually enjoys standing there getting his rush of nicotine for the next 10 minutes until another fag is needed. After his fag, Murray goes back into the club, reeking of smoke and soaking wet, he has to eat a bit of chewing gum, so his breath doesn’t stink. However outrageous weather conditions such as rain, hailstones, and the cold...
It’s a freezing winter night, Murray and his friends are on a night out at a club. Murray is the only smoker in his friend group, it’s been an hour since Murray’s last fag, and he’s ‘dying’ on another one. He steps outside in the cold, there are hailstones the size of marbles falling from the sky, and he actually enjoys standing there getting his rush of nicotine for the next 10 minutes until another fag is needed. After his fag, Murray goes back into the club, reeking of smoke and soaking wet, he has to eat a bit of chewing gum, so his breath doesn’t stink. However outrageous weather conditions such as rain, hailstones, and the cold are the least of your worries if you plan on or already smoke cigarettes.
Five million people – that’s how many people die due to tobacco-related causes a year as stated by The World Health Organisation. I find this absolutely shocking as this is roughly one person dying every six seconds. Have you ever thought of what is in a cigarette? Cigarette smoke contains over four thousand chemicals, including forty-three known cancer-causing compounds and four hundred other deadly toxins. Cigarette ingredients include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs; in fact, it’s the most addictive drug in the United States of America.
Being addicted to something is when you are physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance. Therefore an addiction is a fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. So why on earth would anyone want to be in this state? You could ask the 1 billion people who smoke cigarettes, well the 15% who actually don’t regret starting smoking; the other 85% said they wished they had never started. “If I’d realized how hard it would be to stop I would never have started in the first place. I’ve tried to give up several times, but it’s an addiction I can’t break,” said Mary Beecham, a 62-year-old woman from Leigh on Sea in Essex, in a statement.