The pedestrian zoned street has a more social function and will often incorporate buildings that have economic and social use. Figure 4 illustrates the various uses such as connectivity, entertainment, social and economic. The street system is also used for public movement in residential areas but invariably the space in front of a residential building will be private and, in some instances, there will be a shared private garden in the center of several residential properties reminiscent of the square. The architect has a role to play in ensuring that the aesthetic quality of the space...
The pedestrian zoned street has a more social function and will often incorporate buildings that have economic and social use. Figure 4 illustrates the various uses such as connectivity, entertainment, social and economic. The street system is also used for public movement in residential areas but invariably the space in front of a residential building will be private and, in some instances, there will be a shared private garden in the center of several residential properties reminiscent of the square. The architect has a role to play in ensuring that the aesthetic quality of the space is preserved and that its form, function, and connectivity are consistent with the needs of the people occupying the space.
As we inhabit and travel through modern urban space in the developing city “, we recognize typically urban noises, mostly engines and gears belonging to the cars and trams that were beginning to appear in towns at the beginning of the century. It is, to all effects, a symphonic poem that describes the metropolis, a favorite subject for futurists.” The modern planner deliberately incorporates space into the development of urban areas to make those areas acceptable to the inhabitants and as a tactic to make the city come alive throughout the day and not just during the working hours of commerce and business. Covent Garden in London is predominately a pedestrian zone, yet it connects with the main city through the cacophony of sounds that can be heard in the area, from street theatre to construction to the chatter of people in outdoor restaurants to traffic noises and the bustle of commerce in the market. This ordered, the well defined area provides a comfortable space that benefits the city and it’s inhabitants and visitors.