Under the BHPS, to measure the mental health for the empirical data, Dustmann et al. carry out their investigation by using a questionnaire. It is known as the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The GHQ-12 index consists of a set of twelve questions. The series of questions asked in the interview to individuals are detailed. The results are based on the analysis of the magnitude and extent of the mental health condition affecting the individual. Indeed, Goldberg, 1978 proves that the GHQ-12...
Under the BHPS, to measure the mental health for the empirical data, Dustmann et al. carry out their investigation by using a questionnaire. It is known as the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The GHQ-12 index consists of a set of twelve questions. The series of questions asked in the interview to individuals are detailed. The results are based on the analysis of the magnitude and extent of the mental health condition affecting the individual. Indeed, Goldberg, 1978 proves that the GHQ-12 was initially used as a tool for psychiatric illness but is now extensively used as a tool to monitor an individual’s mental health condition. This research shows that the GHQ-12 instrument determines temporary conditions such as anxiety and depression. It also determines permanent conditions such as schizophrenia and psychotic depression. According to Healthline, psychotic depression is a serious mental condition that requires immediate treatment and close monitoring. NHS states that schizophrenia is a severe long-term mental health condition where the individual usually hears or sees things that don’t exist, that is suffering from delusions. (put in references at the end).
Furthermore, Graetz highlights the three most important conditions that affect individuals’ mental health. Firstly, anxiety itself. Secondly, social dysfunction which is a type of social anxiety or social phobia. Lastly, a lack of confidence which arises due to a state of uneasiness or tension. While conducting their empirical methodology, these three conditions are separated into GHQ-Anxiety and Depression, GHQ–Social Dysfunction and GHQ–Confidence Loss.