This means that black students will feel belittled by teachers, this can then result in them not wanting to go to school. I feel the media is to blame for this, as they often ‘target’ the bad behaviour of Black citizens in America and this creates a stigma surrounding them. For example, the news creates fear from terrorists, which people normally associate with Muslims after 9/11, which was devastating for American. Within The New York...
This means that black students will feel belittled by teachers, this can then result in them not wanting to go to school. I feel the media is to blame for this, as they often ‘target’ the bad behaviour of Black citizens in America and this creates a stigma surrounding them. For example, the news creates fear from terrorists, which people normally associate with Muslims after 9/11, which was devastating for American. Within The New York Times in an article by Tamar Lewin, published in 2012. It shows that black students made up only 18% of those enrolled in the schools which were sampled for discipline data. However, they accounted for 35% of those suspended once, 46% of those suspended more than once and 39% of all banishment. This means that if black students are being punished more seriously for the same behaviour as whites, this will then cause them to dislike school and make them feel targeted. Also, it can lead to a lack of concentration in classes as they are too worried about how they are being treated, meaning they receive no qualifications and cannot go to university. It is then likely for them to fall into poverty and continue this cycle for their children.