The political spectrum and the sudden surge of Nazism in Germany from 1928-35 is an astonishing 5 year period that still has historians questioning what exactly caused the relatively small National Socialist Party to transform into a massive, widely supported and worshiped force that would turn the Weimar Republic of Germany into a Totalitarian Dictatorship that would ultimately change the world’s future forever and cause one of the most destructive conflicts in Earth’s history. With Germany at its weakest and most vulnerable point due to the effects of the sudden Depression hitting Germany in 1928 which caused overinflation and lack of jobs, goods and hope across Germany causing a disappearance in morale for the already weakened country of Germany which was still recovering from...
The political spectrum and the sudden surge of Nazism in Germany from 1928-35 is an astonishing 5 year period that still has historians questioning what exactly caused the relatively small National Socialist Party to transform into a massive, widely supported and worshiped force that would turn the Weimar Republic of Germany into a Totalitarian Dictatorship that would ultimately change the world’s future forever and cause one of the most destructive conflicts in Earth’s history. With Germany at its weakest and most vulnerable point due to the effects of the sudden Depression hitting Germany in 1928 which caused overinflation and lack of jobs, goods and hope across Germany causing a disappearance in morale for the already weakened country of Germany which was still recovering from the brutal conditions of the Treaty of Versailles after World War 1. The costs of which was still to be £6.6 billion, which would take until 1988 to pay not taking into account the Depression. The Weimar Government began to fell apart from the strain and lack of support due to Germans losing faith in it. The Governments uninspiring and old-fashioned politicians also failed to connect with Germans hardships like the new staunch Nazi leader Adolf Hitler could. Hitlers ability to speak connected with many hopeless workers and sparked the fire of nationalism again in Germany allowing Hitler to take advantage of the dire situations for himself and his party. However throughout these situations, many Germans would have continued life with the Weimar Republic had it not been for one of the greatest, most influential propaganda campaigns the world had ever seen been blasted across Germany from 1928-32 by none other than Josef Goebbels, the Nazi parties chief and mastermind in propaganda. The methods and dedication of the Nazi’s early propaganda campaign influenced Germans in more ways than one and brought the view that only the Nazi’s could save the country to every corner of German society. Therefore in this essay, I will discuss how the Depression, Failure of Political Opposition, Appeal of Hitler and Propaganda acted as factors in enabling the Nazi Party to become the biggest political party by 1933 and how Propaganda compares to the rest regarding importance in turning the National Socialists into the Third Reich.