The finishing ration is a combination of forage and cereal grains which are both low in Na. The more powerful the ration there is more pressure on the animal to use the energy for maintenance and as well as lay down lean. The animal during the finishing period will not perform the same as it does at the beginning. The daily live weight gain (DLWG) is much higher at the beginning than that at the...
The finishing ration is a combination of forage and cereal grains which are both low in Na. The more powerful the ration there is more pressure on the animal to use the energy for maintenance and as well as lay down lean. The animal during the finishing period will not perform the same as it does at the beginning. The daily live weight gain (DLWG) is much higher at the beginning than that at the end. The decline can be credited to the increase in gut fill at the beginning, followed by fixed or declining intake relative to increased weight and increased fat deposition. The proportional decline in DLWG over the finishing period is in regards to the function of the fatness of the animal.
Sodium Chloride
Supplementary Na is mainly provided as salt in a compressed block. However commercial salt is not pure and may contain small amounts of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) as well as traces of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) as a result of the industrial development.