Discussion questions – Moby-Dick: What are the traces in Moby-Dick of Melville’s apparent

  1. What are the traces in Moby-Dick of Melville’s apparent reading of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, Coleridge, Irving, Cooper, Carlyle, Poe, or Hawthorne?  What about contemporary topical sources?
  2. Is there a conspicuous or dominant literary form in Moby-Dick? To what extent is it an epic of whaling, the tragedy of Ahab, or a cautionary allegory of contemporary trends such as rampant capitalism, uncontrolled geographical expansion (“manifest destiny”), or the excesses of transcendentalist philosophy?
  3. As we read Moby-Dick do we focus on or identify with Ishmael as character, Ishmael as designated narrator, Melville as general narrator, Ahab as protagonist, or other characters such as Starbuck?
Asked on 01.06.2017 in English Literature.
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