Need online help All Quiet On The Western Front: Why does Kat say “we are losing the war because we can salute too well”

  • Why does Kat say “we are losing the war because we can salute too well”?
  • What does Haie Westhus mean when, after the recruits ambush Himmelstoss, he comments that “Revenge is black-pudding”?
  • A certain matter-of-fact quality pervades the descriptions of the wounds inflicted and received by soldiers; the face-to-face attacks with rifle butts, spades, and grenades; the sounds, smells, and colors of death and dying in this book. Why do the soldiers regard war in such an indifferent manner? Point out dialogue and events that lead you to believe that Paul and his fellows are not as nonchalant as they sometimes sound.
Asked on 06.06.2017 in English Literature.
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