The Odyssey Questions Book 2, 3 : According to Antinous, what trick did Penelope play on the suitors

Book 2

  1. According to Antinous, what trick did Penelope play on the suitors?
  2. This trick seems devised less to drive away the suitors than to keep them around but at arm’s length, so to speak.  According to Antinous, what else does Penelope do, that would encourage at least some of the suitors to stick around?

Book 3

  1. To what city does Telemachus travel in this book, and what is the name of the king he visits there?
  2. What person does this king suggest that Telemachus should emulate?  Who else made the same suggestion and in what Book, and of what possible scenario concerning Penelope are we thereby reminded?
Asked on 08.06.2017 in English Literature.
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