The Odyssey Questions Book 9: When does Odysseus reveal his identity

Book 9

  1. When does Odysseus reveal his identity? How has he been careful in keeping that information to himself from Books 5-8?
  2. List Odysseus’ tales in the order that he tells them. What patterns of meaning do you find emerging from this order?
  3. Patterns aside, what do the individual stories Odysseus recounts tell us about him and his men? For example, what makes Odysseus a worthy leader? Does he make mistakes while leading his men? How is he better than his men? Are there dangers in his strengths?
  4. This is actually a question for books 9-12 as a unit, but I’ll ask it here: why is it important that Odysseus recount all his wanderings as past events? Why doesn’t Homer simply construct his epic as a linear (i.e. “straight-line”) progression of events from the Trojan War onward?
Asked on 11.06.2017 in English Literature.
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